Abortion – Conservative vs. Liberal View on Abortion

Liberal View on Abortion

By Dana Kamide

Liberal Abortion Activist
Liberal Abortion Activist

If you are a Liberal, you believe that a woman has the right to decide what happens with her body. Although you may not use that argument if you should decide not to where a seatbelt to protect your body in case of an accident. It’s the LAW, and for some reason it’s a more respected law even though 99.999% of the time, not wearing a seatbelt while traveling does nothing to hurt anyone in any way.  But hey, it’s a good idea, right?  But what if I say, “what do you care? It’s MY BODY and I have the rights OVER MY BODY!”  But Liberals are intellectually dishonest and will not allow you to make this analogy, even though it’s a perfect one.

When an abortion occurs, something, dreadful in most people’s eyes, has occurred. Something in which more than 50% of the population worldwide believes is murder. Whereas, if you don’t wear your seatbelt to protect your body, and you don’t get into an accident, nothing has happened and no one has been harmed. It is illegal to not where your seatbelt, nonetheless. Seems strange to justify such a law while at the same time, the law allows mothers to kill their unborn children.

This analogy is just to illustrate a point, not to encourage anyone to not where a seatbelt, although its your life, and as far as I am concerned, you may choose to do so or not.  However it is the law.

However,  a fetus is not a human life according to Liberals, so it does not have separate individual rights.  Bottom line: A liberal believes a baby ONLY becomes a baby, when the mother decides what to do with it!  A fetus will never be come a TREE or an END TABLE or a TEAPOT. It will ALWAYS become a HUMAN LIFE. In fact, medical science has, in fact, concluded that a fetus is a LIVING BREATHING LIFE!

If you are a Liberal, you pride yourself on telling people how and what to eat, don’t you?  Why?  Its my damn body!  Stop telling me what to do!  LOL. 😉

Michelle Obama’s mission since her husband took office back in 2008 is to ban the use of certain foods that people enjoy. Such as trans fats and limit the use of sugar, and much more. This doesn’t make sense, because if a Liberal woman’s argument in support of abortion is that no one gets to tell her what to do with her body, why then do they want to ban foods, regulate school lunches and force restaurants to serve certain kinds of foods and leave certain ingredients, such as salt or sugar off their tables? Are they not limiting an individual’s freedoms and own right to choose?  On the other hand, Conservatives believe that educating people with accurate information regarding certain poor eating habits is best and let the people choose for what to eat themselves.

The basic idea of supporting a woman’s right to choose is one thing, however most abortions are not based on the idea that a woman has a right to choose and they are exercising that right. No, more specifically the majority of abortions that take place is purely for selfish reasons. Inconvenience is the core of this decision. The woman has convinced themselves that  having a baby within that particular time of their lives is inconvenient. They have decided the baby’s life based on a lie, really. They can easily rationalize why it is best to have an abortion at any given time.  They’ve become the judge, the jury and the executioner all at once.

Liberals get away with weak arguments and unproven statistics about rape, health risks, etc while standing firmly on the idea that they have the right to do what they want with their bodies yet all the while they are telling everyone else what to do with THEIR bodies!   They are out to ban football and boxing because of concussions aren’t they?  Why can’t an athlete decide what is best for his or her body without Liberals telling them what to do? See, the argument they use for abortion of “their body, their rights” is only valid to them when they need to use it.

Some people think Liberalism should be banned for the same reason Liberals want to ban many sports because it seems all Liberals have experienced some type of brain impairment.

Liberals believe that the government should provide taxpayer funded abortions for women who cannot afford them. They believe, as we pointed out above, that the decision to have an abortion is a personal choice of a woman regarding her own body and the government must protect this right.

Abortion Forced onto Christian Churches – Religious Liberties Impeded

Liberals believe women have the right to affordable, safe and legal abortions, including partial birth abortion.  Somehow, the government will provide for this and pay for it and even FORCE religious institutions to pay for it and provide it despite their absolute moral position that it is murder. So Obama and Liberals today are forcing Religious institutions to go completely against their teachings and beliefs.

This is OK for Liberals and Democrats

This viewpoint begs the question, that if one were to stand on the edge of a 20 story building ready to jump, or hold a loaded gun to their forehead ready to shoot, or grab a handful of enough prescription pills to put you out for good ready to swallow, why would anyone try and stop any of these situations from occurring if they subscribe to the above idea that one has a right to do anything they want to their body?

In other words, what is this instinctive reaction that come from a human, be them Liberal or Conservative?  Abortion has little to do with some kind of right, and everything to do with convenience and selfishness on the part of the those who wish to abort their babies.

Conservative View on Abortion

On the other hand, if you are a Conservative, you believe human life begins at conception. Abortion is the murder of a human life.  An unborn baby, as a living human being, has separate, individual rights from that of the mother. One thing is for sure when arguing this with a Liberal, medical science has proven unequivocally that the only thing being born out of a woman is a human life. Not a walnut, a tree, or a cat or dog, or canary, nope. 100% will be a human being.   So how do they get away with saying “it’s not a human life”?

My Mommy is Pro Life
My Mommy is Pro Life T Shirt

Conservatives strongly oppose taxpayer-funded abortions.  Conservative politicians are constantly working to end taxpayer dollars being used for the government to provide abortions.

Conservatives support legislation to prohibit partial birth abortions, called the “Partial Birth Abortion* Ban”

(*Partial Birth Abortion: the killing of an unborn baby of at least 20 weeks by pulling it out of the birth canal with forceps, but leaving the head inside. An incision is made in the back of the baby’s neck and the brain tissue is suctioned out. The head is then removed from the uterus.)

Human Fetus Vs. Bald Eagle’s Egg

It is illegal to destroy an Bald Eagle’s egg. Fines are as high as $5,000 and imprisonment up to 3 years. An eagles egg is not an eagle, many may argue. Regardless of what side of the political or social fence you sit, most would agree this law is a good thing. However, most laws protecting endangered species are driven by and supported by more Liberals than Conservatives. That doesn’t mean to say Conservatives love animals less than Liberals, just that Conservatives have chosen other causes over these, such as support of Pro Life (human life) instead.

An abortion cost around $750, is readily available in most major cities through Liberal supported organizations such as Planned Parenthood.

Many may argue that a fetus is not a human life, as many argue that an eagles egg is not an eagle. Yet the eagle’s egg is protected by the Government, and the human life in the form of a fetus is not.

Liberals may argue that an eagle is an endangered species and therefore MUST be protected.

A Conservative can counter with the argument that a human life is a unique (endangered?) individual. No one can pre-determine that a destroyed fetus could not have been the next great unique one-of-a-kind musical composer, cutting edge inventor, scientific pioneer, discoverer of break-through medicines or cures for cancer or aids, or who knows, the next great world leader. Therefore, being that pioneers, inventors, musical geniuses, scientists or world leaders only make up a small percentage of the entire human race, it could be argued they are an endangered individual species.

Father Pacholczyk, PHD says this: “One example I use a lot when giving testimony before lawmakers involves a 1940 American law protecting the bald eagle. The law states that if you come across a bald eagle’s nest containing eggs and you decide to destroy one of those eggs, you suffer the very same sanctions and penalties as if you had shot an adult bald eagle out of the air. What is so special about that bald eagle’s egg? What is inside that egg? The answer is very simple.

    It is an embryonic eagle.

It is the very same creature that flies gloriously in the sky. Even an atheist can appreciate the cogency of such a law. We are eager to protect all sorts of animal life.

Yet when it comes to our own humble embryonic origins as humans, we go through sophisticated mental gymnastics to tell ourselves that we were never embryos. We are all too willing to sacrifice young humans on the altar of stem-cell research. There is a profound double standard here that people really need to assess and confront.”

If you suddenly find yourself in possession of an abandoned eagles egg found in your back yard, and realize you can not afford to take care to incubate the egg until it hatches then raise the eagle, or if you are alone and find that you do not have enough support to care for the eagle, or you find out that the mother who laid the egg was a violent eagle often found attacking neighbors cats, or you simply dont have time to care of the eagle because of your busy career, you do NOT have the right to destroy that eagle egg. If you do, and the environmental authorities find out about it, you could go to jail and be fined as much as $5,000.

However, if you find yourself pregnant, you can pay a Dr. $750 and destroy the fetus. You don’t need a reason, and no one will try and talk you out of it if that’s the way you want. And if someone attempts to try and talk you out of it, you can bet that if the ACLU or other Liberal organizations find out about it, they will intervene for you.
Eagle Egg vs. Human Fetus. Winner: Eagle Egg