HomeHeadlinesObama Pretending to Fight to Prevent Student Loan Interest Rates from Doubling...

Obama Pretending to Fight to Prevent Student Loan Interest Rates from Doubling as a result of Democrats Vote from 2007

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When it comes to preparing Americans for the jobs of the future and growing a strong middle class Obama is out to lunch. Democrats have always believed that higher education is the most important thing in a persons life because individualism, capitalism and the strength of human spirit doesn’t exist to Democrats. As a result of government overreach, Democrat votes to raise interest rates, and runaway school tuition continuously raised by Democrats and Liberal educators, (they complain about self-made wealthy individuals who own their own enterprise making millions but never about educators whose salaries keep going up and up and up making millions)

As a result of Liberalism and educational institutions raising their tuition to pay for professors who teach distortions and Liberalsm, an education has never been more expensive. College tuition costs have been on the increase for years due to runaway spending and Democrat policies and government regulation.

Because of these Democrat policies, Americans owe more debt on student loans than credit cards. And it could get worse in just over two months if a law put in place by Democrats which they voted for in 2007 goes into effect in July. If Congress doesn’t reverse the Democrat law then interest on subsidized Stafford student loans will double on July 1. 7.4 million students will be, on average, $1,000 more in debt each year the Democrat policy isn’t reversed. This is a perfect opportunity for President Obama to increase and strengthen his base and buy votes from students by promising to lower their debts and pay for their student loans at the same time falsely blaming Republicans for this Democrat law that raises student loan interest rates

Students have a conniving, demagogic radical in President Obama who will stop at nothing to buy votes from students. After all, this President knows what the burden of student loans after being raised in a privileged house and somehow getting into Harvard with lower than average grades. To this day, they claim he was editor of the Harvard Law Review yet no one on earth can find ONE THING Barack Obama has public shed, And Democrats and Liberal media outlets wonder why more than half of American are suspicious of Presidebt Obama.

President Obama has always won the student vote on purpose by consistently pretending to support an effort to keep college affordable: He wasted billions of taxpayer money on failed investments and stimulus and has not created one net new job since taking office. A first for ANY president.

And now, President Obama is falsely blaming Republicans for rising student interest rates when it is clearly Democrats who enacted the vote to raise them. Obama is desperate to be re-elected however and his calling on Congress to act to reverse the 2007 Democrat vote and keep interest rates down, calling higher education “an economic imperative every family must be able to afford.”

Romney has supports for the Ryan budget, which is the only budget ever produced since Obama took office and contains many excellent cuts and spending policies that would help all Americans. But Obama and his regime continue to demonize and demagogue Ryan and the Republicans.

Democrat policies don’t just hurt students and working families—they hurt our entire economy.

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Divided Stateshttp://www.DividedStates.com
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