Home2012 Election NewsObama Hates America: The only reason you should NOT Vote for Barack...

Obama Hates America: The only reason you should NOT Vote for Barack Obama in 2012

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At this stage in Barack Obama’s presidency it’s easy to understand why many believe that any one of the current Republican candidate’s running against him would be a far better choice for America.  Although that seems apparent to many, the most important reason NOT to vote for Barrack Obama in 2012 isn’t so obvious. Despite the fact that most of Obama’s failures, mistakes, gaffes, blunders and continued failed policies go under reported or are downplayed by mainstream media, those paying attention know the real story.

Dont Blame Obama
Obama: “Don’t Blame Me, It’s George Bush’s Fault” ~2012

Media news outlets such as MSNBC, ABC, CNN and ABC consistently refrain from criticizing Obama. They fail to report accurately on Obama’s waging of class warfare and his dividing of the country through his many divisive speeches. One can clearly hear the President’s overwhelming feeling of disdain for America and resentment of those who prosper through free enterprise.

Yet the media refuses to comment or admit these facts. It’s hard to imagine a U.S. President having as much dissent for hard working successful entrepreneurs, business owners, CEO’s and middle class working Americans as Barack Obama does.

President Obama refuses to be held accountable for the continued decline of the U.S Economy, the rising unemployment rate, the increase in the poverty level and the record high food stamp recipients. Obama is causing further division and strife in America through his support of the violent and dangerous Occupy movement, which many believe, Obama himself created.

The incoherent and misguided Occupy protests that are spreading throughout are further exacerbated by Obama’s constant attack on the wealthy.

Obama has spent most of his presidency campaigning and dividing instead of leading and uniting.

It’s no secret, however, that President Obama has spent a good portion of his presidency thus far blaming everyone but himself for America’s current problems. His failure and inability to lead America has become more evident as he spends most of his time campaigning and dividing instead of leading and uniting.

“Can someone name one president who after more than 3 years in office has not been blamed for at least SOME of the problems that exist in the United States?” – Rush Limbaugh

Another highlight of the Obama presidency has him apologizing throughout the world for what he views as the sins of America and his predecessors. He should be apologizing TO America instead, not for America. Despite all of these reasons to be disappointed in Barack Obama, there is still one fundamental reason why NOT to vote to re-elect Barack Obama in 2012.

What is the number one reason one should NOT vote for Barack Obama in 2012?

Obama and Bill Ayers
Obama and Bill Ayers

It isn’t because of Obama’s inexperience, unpresidential actions, or because of his radical and Socialist views. It wouldn’t be because of his countless insensitive golf outings and vacations while catastrophes in America, both economic and natural, occur.

Remember the many rounds of golf Obama continued to play during the BP oil spill in the Gulf?  Remember how long it took him to visit the devastation in Joplin, MO, the floods in Nashville, the fires in Texas, or the tornadoes in Alabama? 

George W Bush took 2 days before he went to visit New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and Hollywood celebrities, music artists and left wing media outlets all accused him of hating black people and failing to lead. Can anyone say, “media bias”? But how dangerous is media bias, really? Does anyone know? Does it really matter?

No, you could say you aren’t voting for Obama in 2012 because he denies having any knowledge or having taken part of or takes no responsibility in any of the many scandals that have occurred since he took office.

These include:

In no particular order,  the Fast & Furious scandal, the Blagojevich scandal, the Committed Communist Van Jones appointment, the misguided, irresponsible appointment of accused homosexual child molester, Kevin Jennings to Board of Education, the Solyndra scam, the Jeremiah Wright scandal, the Bill Ayers associations, the Tony Rezco relationship, the Khalid Al-Mansour relationship or the strong ties to ACORN. This is the short list.

Obama wages class warfare
Obama wages class warfare

No, those are all good reasons, but not the number one reason not to vote for Obama in 2012. The myriad of other unsavory, scandalous, radical or improper relationships and associations not mentioned above are not quite as good a reason as this one major reason. Yes, you cold still vote for Obama despite his illegal policies and actions, his untruthful and distorted views, his failed policies or hateful, bitter rhetoric coming from his mouth every single day. Nope! It’s not the division he is causing in America, or his waging class warfare in America, nor is it his naiveté in his ideas that dialogue and negotiations will work in dealing with terrorists and nations led by leaders who want to kill Americans and wipe Israel off the map.  No, all these are good reasons not to vote for Obama in 2012, but there is still yet one main reason, to make sure Barack Obama is not re elected in 2012.  I will get to that reason in a moment.

Obama with Reverand Wright
Obama with Reverend Wright

Many people would agree a good reason not to vote for Obama in 2012 is his failure to create jobs or improve the economy.  It’s not the many scandals associated with other members of the Obama staff, including tax cheat Tim Geitner, Senate seat for sale, Valerie Jarrett, or bail out big shot, Jeffrey Immelt who didn’t have to pay billions in taxes and now sits on Obama’s economic advisory committee. You shouldn’t NOT vote for Obama because of the unprecedented scam with Obama’s right hand man, Jon Corzine, who stole billions of dollars from MF Global investors, bankrupted the company and cant explain where the money went.  Where is the outrage from Liberals and Democrats?  Where?

It’s not Obama’s premature decision to pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, which could prove to be a colossal waste of American efforts and trillions of tax payer dollars. A move which he clearly  announced for pure political reasons.  Or his waffling and unclear message on Libya earlier this year.

Obama with Gaddafi
Obama with Gaddafi

Obama Solyndra
Obama Solyndra

Its not the fact that Obama pushed through a healthcare law that no one read prior to passing and will bankrupt America if not repealed.

Judges in several states have found Obamacare to be illegal and unconstitutional. Obama’s healthcare law will greatly decrease the quality of health care in America, and cause tens of thousands of businesses and doctors to close their doors.  No, while Obamacare puts the health and well being of every individual in America at great risk by placing medical & health care in the hands of inept bureaucrats, it is not the one reason you should not vote for Barack Obama in 2012.

Obama with Jon Corzine
Obama with Jon Corzine

It’s not the fact that the first lady, Moochelle Obama has played the role of Marie Antoinette by vacationing all around the world separate from Barack while the unemployment rate reaches record proportions and businesses are closing their doors. Or the fact that she often takes a separate plane within hours departure of Barack’s flights to same vacation destinations costing taxpayers millions of dollars in additional and unnecessary expenses… all during the worse decline in our economy in more than 75 years…

Michell Obama Visits Spain for Fun
Michell Obama Visits Spain for Fun

It’s not because Obama believes in wealth redistribution, something only hard core Socialists and Communists agree with and most hard working Americans are opposed to, or that his strongest views and opinions are based on hard core radical Marxism.

Obama believes in bringing down the top (the wealthy) as opposed to raising up the bottom (the poor).

It’s not because of the additional one thousand  reasons that could be given to justify not re-electing Barack Obama in 2012.   No, none of these justifiable reasons to not re-elect Barack Obama in 2012 are as worrisome as this one reason:

Number ONE Reason Obama Must Go:

Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, despite the difficulty you may have in believing such a thing, actually has a very deep seated hatred of America. This utter disdain Barack Obama has for the Great American Way, as it was founded, has been ingrained in him since his youth. That is why he started his presidency going around the world and apologizing for America as the evil in the world. Obama despises the principals in which America was founded.  He  has been taught to hate America by his fathers, who were both Communist and Socialist Islamic extremists and his mother was an undisputed communist sympathizer.  President Obama has repeatedly shown his hatred for the founding principles that made America great through his speeches, his associations, his decisiveness, his sowing of discord and class warfare and by his failed policies and soaring rhetoric.  You can learn all about it just by reading his book, Audacity of Hope.

Obama and Chavez
Obama and Chavez

The First Lady Michelle Obama also feels the same way.  Especially when she stated that she had never been proud to be an American until her husband was elected to the office of President. That says everything.   Barack Obama’s true agenda is to fundamentally change this country in a way that will be so hurtful and destructive that America will no longer be recognizable for the Great Nation in which it was built.

The work it would take for America to recover after 4 more years of Barack Obama would take so long that by then, most of us will be long gone from the planet.

Many may think this is impossible. I would hate for them to all learn the hard way. Our lives will never be the same if Barack Obama is re-elected.

Obama bows to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Obama bows to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

Those people with a mind to see clearly see what Obama’s true agenda is.  To the casual observer this idea may seem completely far fetched and seemingly impossible to believe. The bottom line is that If Obama succeeds with his agenda going forward, and is re-elected in 2012, this country will NEVER be the same. If you need direction on who to vote for in 2012, its real easy: ABO for president (Anyone But Obama) in 2012 and do what you have to do to get others to do the same, and just maybe we will recover from the damage Obama has already created.

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Divided Stateshttp://www.DividedStates.com
Visionary, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Music Producer, Filmmaker and Blogger
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