Home Headlines Obama Giving $800M In Taxpayer Money to Muslim Extremists. Doubles Down on...

Obama Giving $800M In Taxpayer Money to Muslim Extremists. Doubles Down on “Stupid”

Obama Budget Gives Money To Arab Spring
Obama Budget Gives Money To Arab Spring

Obama is giving $800M to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt! That’s right, $800M in taxpayer money is going to the so-called Arab Spring which includes contributing almost a billion dollars of America’s hard earned cash to the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Extremists.

Obama’s doubling down on stupid giving almost a billion dollars to fund extremists proxy war and ongoing war against Israel.

This is what Conservatives have been trying to warn American voters about regarding Obama and his secret motives to destroy America from within.

In Obama’s annual budget scam to Congress on Monday, Obama is telling Congress that military aid to Egypt, now being taken over by Islamic Extremists, be kept at the level of recent years which is about $1.3 billion. Obama is doing this despite the terrible crisis triggered by an Egyptian probe targeting American democracy activists.

Obama Doubles Down on Stupid

The proposals are part of Obama’s budget request for fiscal year 2013, which begins October 1. His requests need the approval of Congress, where some lawmakers want to cut overseas spending to address U.S. budget shortfalls and are particularly angry at Egypt.

Obama proposed $51.6 billion in funding for the U.S. State Department and foreign aid overall, when $8.2 billion in assistance to war zones is included. The “core budget” for the category would increase by 1.6 percent, officials said.

President Obama is either Stupid, or purposely continuing to make bad decisions that would, otherwise, aid in destroying the United States through bad policies and irresponsible behavior. God help the United States if this is allowed to continue, and if Obama is re-elected!


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